Friday, December 10, 2010

What's Your Accessory?

It’s always great to get another person’s opinion on fashion topics. Blogs, in particular, are great examples of how one can explore the different outlooks on fashion. With so many attitudes about styles and trends, it’s easy to sometimes get carried away and browse other fashion blogs.
One of the really nice and interesting blogs in my class belongs to my friend Ashley. Her blog, titled The Fashion Accessory, shares some very refreshing thoughts on today’s popular fashions. From Katy Perry’s fun red carpet styles to Rihanna’s 80s inspired latest daring looks, to ways one can properly pull off a business casual look, The Fashion Accessory has is all: variety, style, fun, and most of all – it’s a great read for anyone interested in getting the scoop on this season’s trends. I highly encourage you to check it out.

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