Friday, December 10, 2010

Closing thoughts on the semester

Being able to reflect on my work at Ball State University is a pleasant experience. Over the past three years, I have been driven to do well and succeed.  My learning has been a process and I hope to continue that process once I graduate. Starting out my college career three years ago was exciting. Though I did not fully know what I wanted to do after I graduate, I am now able to recognize my goals and aspirations. Getting to where I am today required patience and motivation. I have become more disciplined and I am certainly very proud of all that I’ve accomplished.
                The fashion program at Ball State University has given me the opportunity to become more familiar with the fashion industry as well as gain hands-on experience through my class work. One of the most rewarding experiences at BSU has been being able to complete future job search materials which exemplify some of my hardest works from the variety of classes that I have taken.  Building a portfolio has allowed me to see how far I have really come; this made me understand that taken as a whole, my works demonstrate my hard work and dedication to my field of study.
It’s been fun and sometimes challenging to study as a fashion student at BSU. I never thought that I would ever participate in putting together a fashion show. This was one of this last semester’s highlights. Traveling to different stores and participating in visual display decorating was also something that I surprised myself with.  There hasn’t been a class that I’ve taken where I don’t see benefits to me as a person and as a future fashion professional. I’m very happy with the way things have turned out for me so far.  I'm also pleased to see that I've been keeping a blog about fashion and I hope to continue updating whenever I can.

What's Your Accessory?

It’s always great to get another person’s opinion on fashion topics. Blogs, in particular, are great examples of how one can explore the different outlooks on fashion. With so many attitudes about styles and trends, it’s easy to sometimes get carried away and browse other fashion blogs.
One of the really nice and interesting blogs in my class belongs to my friend Ashley. Her blog, titled The Fashion Accessory, shares some very refreshing thoughts on today’s popular fashions. From Katy Perry’s fun red carpet styles to Rihanna’s 80s inspired latest daring looks, to ways one can properly pull off a business casual look, The Fashion Accessory has is all: variety, style, fun, and most of all – it’s a great read for anyone interested in getting the scoop on this season’s trends. I highly encourage you to check it out.